Friday, July 18, 2008

Coach Dan Hawkins, CU Buffs

Art Director: Mike Leister
Photo Editor: Steffanie Woodward

Yesterday, I photographed Coach Dan Hawkins of the CU Buffs at Historic Folsum Field for an 5280 Magazine.  

After we loaded up my stylin' grip truck at the studio, I turned on the engine and something sounded terribly wrong.  One quick peak under the truck and it was obvious that someone cut the catalytic converter out of my exhaust pipe!  I called my mechanic  and he said it wouldn't hurt to drive to our location 45 miles away in Boulder.  However, it's costing me $270 to fix it so some crack-head can get a $20 fix.  It really pisses me off.  Word has it that catalytic converters are being stolen and shipped to Mexico, where the platinum is removed with a chemical process.  Word on the street is the platinum is selling for something crazy, like $2k and ounce.  

Anyway the shoot went well. Thanks Randall for the productions stills!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out man. Your photographer is looking better and better every day.
