The Earthquake in Haiti happened while I was shooting a job in Las Vegas last week for Cricket. The images pouring in really moved me. When I returned to Denver I got a call to shoot an airlift of 18 Metric Tons of emergency supplies leaving DIA from the WoldVision Warehouse VIA FedEx. I teamed up with fiend and photographer Don Cudney to shoot video and stills of the airlift for WorldVision from 12:30 AM to 4 AM. All the FedEx employees were volunteering their time to load the plane.

I just got this email from World Vision:
"Just wanted to give you some great feedback! Our Senior Vice President of
Engagement and Communications asked that we tell you that she
loved the work you did for the airlift in Denver. I don't think I've ever
heard her give feedback like that before!
So thank you for all your great work- in the middle of the night even!
Also, one of your images was selected to send to CNN, with some other World
Vision photos so keep an eye out for that!"