Art Director: Mike Leister
Photo Editor: Steffanie Woodward
It was a great honor to shoot
5280 Magazine's June cover (the "Summer is Here!" issue) for the second year running. Careful scouting landed the perfect location to show a happy couple walking over a hill with stellar views of mountains in the background. Bad weather the week before the shoot threatened the deadline, but God came through and we had a beautiful early morning shoot. I couldn't have been more happy with my my weather and the crew. Kudos to
Katelyn Simkins who did a great job with makeup.
Randall Bellows, my wingman,
Caleb Opp, and
Micah Dekorne were camera assistants.
Georgia Benjou was the clothing stylist.
Thank you Micah for these awesome production stills!!!!
Catering table and "Harvey the RV", my first class Grip Truck... sort of.
Katelyn hard at work.
Gotta live high walkers... This location is 80's RAD!
Summer issue shot in 40 degree weather... note warm clothes.
You have to pose like Bono when you shoot covers.
My top secret lighting: Uni400 with 18" dish key, 2040 head with 2K WS. blasting thru the 8X10" scrim for fill.
Mike (AD) to my left and Steff (PE) to my right.
Macbook Pro with external 18" screen and external hard drives powered by a Dynalite Battery in my computer tent.
You want some of this? 300mm lens compresses the subjects and Mountain background.

Here we are setting up to shoot the index page.

Sandbag tripod. Real High Tech.

Sorry for the view Randall... Thanks for saving my (and the Models') life. A great assistant will sacrifice all comforts to help get the shot... ha ha.