Wow! What a party! Thank you everyone who came. It was great to catch up with a lot of old friends and clients and to meet some new friends!
There are some thanks that need to be given to friends and family who helped out in the 11th hour to make the party great.
Thanks to AIGA and ADCD for sponsoring the FAC! Don't forget the ADCD Annual show is coming up! The deadline is extended to May 29!
I have rad parents. My mom came in the week before the opening and helped watch my kids while I worked about 100 hours to make some deadlines and get the studio ready for the party. On the day of the opening, both my parents helped clean and touch up paint. Towards the end of the party when the 5 cases of beer and a keg were tapped, my dad made a beer run to keep the party rockin'. I want to be like you guys when I grow up!
I'd like to thank Deven Gores for some last minute metal work that I couldn't get to.
A shout out goes to Passion Flowers. My neighbor Barb gave a gift of life to a very grey and industrial space... a huge palm plant! It looks great!
Kudos go to Ian Cooke who filled the studio with the gift of sound. Ian's music was the perfect fit for creative conversation and I saw several people getting serenaded with their own personal concert.
Thanks to Greg from Healing Waters who had a table set up with information about his awesome company who helps bring clean water to people in third world countries. Healing Waters has sent me to Guatemala and to the Dominican Republic to shoot marketing photography. I asked Healing Waters to have a presence at the party because of all the thousands of pictures I have taken in the past few years, these make a true difference. I hope some of you got some information from Greg about the dire need for clean water and how we can help.

Thanks to Greg from Healing Waters who had a table set up with information about his awesome company who helps bring clean water to people in third world countries. Healing Waters has sent me to Guatemala and to the Dominican Republic to shoot marketing photography. I asked Healing Waters to have a presence at the party because of all the thousands of pictures I have taken in the past few years, these make a true difference. I hope some of you got some information from Greg about the dire need for clean water and how we can help.

Thanks to my assistant Randall Bellows for these pictures and for encouraging me through the long and sometimes stressful process of renovations.

My endless thanks go to my beautiful wife Christie! When the caterer I had planed to cater the FAC couldn't make it a the last moment, Christie came up with sushi and snacks for about 50 hungry creatives who showed up for the happy hour after work.
Behind the scenes, Christie is my rock. She has been a constant source of encouragement and vision for me. We have sacrificed a lot of time and money to make this dream come true and Christie has been graceful through it all.
Finally, thank you everyone who came! There was no RSVP for the event so I had no idea what the turnout would be. We had over two hundred people show up and the studio was packed from 5:30 pm to 11:30 pm. Thank you Denver creative community!