I photographed American Andy Hampsten for Bicycling Magazine near his home in Boulder, Co. Andy is best known for his historic win of a stage in the Italian Giro in 1985, 26 years ago. Despite freezing temps and 2 feet of snow, Andy rose to the top and his victory made him a national hero in Italy.
Here is our set. My assistant, Caleb, and I had to lug all the gear down a short but steep path to this nice rock on Flagstaff Mountain. I was just getting over a terrible fight with the flu and my throat felt like razors were ripping up and down inside as I breathed in the dry high altitude air. (Enter violins and cello music) HAHA... well, we did get the shot. We were perched with all kinds of lights, battery packs and heads hanging over the edge of a cliff. Thank God for sandbags!